Making a pot of tea
A great analogy came to me today. I realize it probably won’t be an original thought but it really was a lightbulb moment and I observed how excited my mind became. Then my mind tried to hold on to it and remember it. So I let it go, sort of. So here it is, ready?
First of all its sort of a scientific experiment. These are the ingredients you need;
A clear glass measuring cup of boiling hot water – this symbolizes Infinite pure awareness (in fact if we didn’t need to contain the boiling hot water, it would be better if it didn’t have a container at all so as to symbolize its vastness more accurately)
A filter – really really fine – this symbolizes the mind, ideally is so fine that when empty it is clear
tea leaves – this symbolizes the content of what becomes the conditioned mind or egoic mind; objects of consciousness that a person holds on to mentally because they incorrectly believe it constitutes their true self; for example; past, future and present, limiting beliefs, ideas and concepts, emotions and feelings, and all other conditioning
a clear container – symoblizes the individual, and its experiences
So it goes like this; take the tea leaves, and little by little add to the filter, naming what you add, for example, a few leaves for your past, and a few for your future concerns, a few for your belief system and a few for your ideas about how life works, a few more for all those emotions and feelings. A few tea leaves for everything Mooji that you ask to be left out of the mind in the Invitation for Freedom.
Then the next step is to place the filter over the clear container then take the boiling hot water and pour the hot water onto the tea leaves in the filter. This process is symoblizing our infinite true self pouring into our human existence, passing through the mind and its filter. Considering the nature of Isness is a state of being rather than a doing, we have to acknowledge the pouring is more of a radiating, a fullness. This radiating outward has invisible fibers of attentive consciousness when human beings are involved. The attentive consciousness becomes part of the expansiveness and glow of the Isness, as you describe it Mooji, into the human existence.
With the elaborate imagination built into the brains potentiality, the ‘idea’ of who the person is takes shape and transforms non phenomenonly and phenomenonly constantly.
For me, after doing the Invitation for Freedom, my mind became so much more free of tea leaves, due to the realization of my true Self. So the flow on effect of this is the human experience I am having is more authentic than ever before. My essential nature is manifesting itself in the world in an authentic, pure way.
So, thankfully, we are always who we are, we never go away. We are always joy, light, expansiveness, space, empty of all forms and concepts, abundant of all fruits and fragrances.